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Construction is still in a far from normal situation, without solid structural growth to suggest any imminent improvement

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
In 2016, the increase in the surface area of projects reaching the construction phase has continued, but that growth has been the result of a small number of projects with very large surface areas. Outside of Barcelona, the rest of Catalonia has remained stagnant, with negative growth in some cases. Urban renewal, an essential activity for the future, is not increasing, which is the main problem..

On Thursday, 2 February, at an open meeting with the media, the COAC analysed the construction and renovation activity in Catalonia during 2016, based on projects in the construction phase. The period closed out with 3,579,960 m2 in projects with official authorisation, 24% higher than in 2015. Although the figures may seem positive, the Architects' Association wishes to highlight some considerations: 

1.- We are not seeing structural growth: it is not homogeneous across the territory and does not represent a generalised increase in activity (only the large-scale projects stand out).

2.- The figures corresponding to building renovations have shown a disturbing stagnation. The surface area of officially authorised renovation projects has only increased by 100,000 m2 in Catalonia as compared to last year, making up just one-third of the total surface area of authorised projects.

3.- The total surface area of officially authorised projects in 2016 has continued at very low levels, well below the historic minimum for the past 25 years.

4.-The total surface area of authorised projects in Catalonia corresponds to just 7,490 separate projects. If we compare this figure to the total number of Association member architects in Catalonia, nearly 10,000, it clearly demonstrates the extent to which the lack of work makes talk of recovery impossible.

The province of Barcelona stands out (without taking into account the city of Barcelona), having maintained the growth that began in 2015. Official authorisation was issued for 1,840,613 m2, 36% more than in 2015. We should keep in mind, however, that 34% of this total corresponds to large-scale projects with more than 10,000 m2 of floor area. The city of Barcelona has seen growth of 28%, and nearly 50% of officially authorised projects have been large scale. As for the other provinces, the growth trend of 2015 has been broken: Girona and Lleida have had weak growth, but Tarragona and Ebre have seen negative numbers.

Housing construction has still accounted for more built surface area than non-housing. However, contrary to what happened in 2015, the growth of non-housing has been 28%, whereas the growth of housing has slowed, only increasing by 22% (in 2015 it grew by 42%).

With regard to the number of homes authorised, there were a total of 8,547 authorised during the year which represents an increase of 35% compared to 2015.

In absolute terms, new build is continuing to show the most significant rise (30%), with around 2,303,995 m2 of surface area authorised. The surface area of officially authorised renovation projects has only increased by 100,000 m2 with respect to the previous year.

In that sense, it is clear that urban renewal activities, which are necessary given our old and outdated housing stock, involving interventions directly linked to issues such as energy efficiency and sustainability in all buildings, are not being carried out.


- The sector has not been revitalised; at best it has started down that road, but if structural changes are not implemented, it will take a long time before a minimum level of normality is reached.

-The increase in the surface area of officially authorised projects is concentrated in the province of Barcelona, whereas the situation in the rest of the country remains at a standstill.

- The most troubling aspect is the scant amount of renovation activity taking place throughout the territory. 

-The COAC considers urban renewal to be fundamental, on the one hand, in order to respond to citizens’ needs, both now and in the future; and on the other, in order to redress the situation of collapse in the sector and to contribute, to the extent that we can, to the end of the economic crisis. Knowing that 40% of CO2 emissions in Europe are produced by housing, it makes no sense that there should only be five major renovation projects currently taking place in Catalonia.

- There is no culture of renovation in our country. Even in periods prior to the crisis, European data placed Spain at the tail end of Western European countries in that regard. Given this observation, it is clear that neither the (state) law on renovation, urban renewal and urban regeneration, dating from 2013, nor the few grants that have been awarded by regional and local administrations have been effective.

-Consequently, the Architects' Association appeals to those institutions to prioritise urban renewal as a key tool in fighting climate change, in guaranteeing the people’s right to proper and adequate housing, and in ensuring that our cities, buildings and public spaces contribute to the process, to social cohesion and the creation of opportunities.

As such, the Association proposes various actions:

- More subsidies and improvements in funding.
- Simplification and improvement of the regulatory framework.
- More coordination between the administrations and their lines of action.
- Development of a comprehensive vision of the challenges we are taking on.
- An explicit agreement between all participating agents: an Urban Renewal Agreement, which should serve as a tool for consensus in order to successfully tackle this challenge, allowing for sustained action over time with proper planning.


El COAC y Technal firman un convenio para la organización y difusión de actividades de interés para los colegiados

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
El Col·legi d’Arquitectes ha firmado un convenio con la empresa Technal para la organización de acciones formativas y de difusión de productos Technal a lo largo de este año 2017.  El convenio lo firmaron el pasado 23 de Enero la secretaria de la Junta de Gobierno, Assumpció Puig, y el Sr. José Velasco en calidad de apoderado de Technal. 

Acciones formativas y de difusión de productos Technal
En el marco de este convenio, Technal apuesta por el patrocinio de acciones que promocionan la arquitectura en todo el territorio catalán, como por ejemplo la 20a ediición de los Premios de Arquitectura de Girona y la X Muestra de Arquitectura de Tarragona, Biennal Alejandro de la Sota. Además, Technal organizará una Jornada Técnica de presentación de nuevos productos,  colaborará con la Agrupación de Jóvenes Arquitectos de Catalunya (AJAC) y se presentará el catálogo del Premio Technal en la sede del COAC.

La marca Technal ofrece una gama de soluciones para cerramientos de aluminio: muros cortina, ventanas practicables y correderas, puertas, barandillas, frentes comerciales, divisiones interiores y sistemas de proteccion y captacion solar para la generacion de energia fotovoltaica. A lo largo de 50 años Technal ha seguido una filosofía basadae n la innovación constante en el mercado de la carpintería de aluminio y actualmente sus productos se utilizan en todos los sectores de la edificación: residencial, corporativo, hospitalario, hotelero e industrial.
El COAC i Technal signen un conveni per a l'organització i difusió d'activitats d'interès per a col·legiats

El COAC i Technal signen un conveni per a l'organització i difusió d'activitats d'interès per a col·legiats

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
El Col·legi d’Arquitectes ha signat un conveni amb l’empresa Technal per a l'organització d'accions formatives i de difusió dels productes Technal durant el 2017. El conveni el van signar el passat 23 de gener la secretària de la Junta de Govern del COAC, Assumpció Puig, i el Sr. José Velasco en qualitat d'apoderat de Technal. 

Accions formatives i de difusió de productes Technal
En el marc d'aquest conveni, Technal aposta pel patrocini d'accions que promocionen l'arquitectura en tot el territori català, com ara la 20a edició dels Premis d'Arquitectura de Girona i la X Mostra d’Arquitectura de Tarragona, Biennal Alejandro de la Sota. A més a més, i a banda d'organitzar una Jornada Tècnica de presentació de nous productes, també col·laborarà amb l'Agrupació de Joves Arquitectes de Catalunya (AJAC).

Així mateix, es va acordar que el COAC serà la seu de presentació del catàleg Premi Technal, que es durà a terme l'últim trimestre del 2017.

La marca Technal ofereix una gamma de solucions per a tancaments d'alumini: murs cortina, finestres practicables i correderes, portes, baranes, divisons d'interiors i sistemes de protecció i captació solar per a la generació d'energia fotovoltaica. Durant 50 anys Technal ha seguit una filosofia basada en la innovació constant en el mercat de la fusteria d'alumini i actualment els seus productes es fan servir en tots els sectors de l'edificació: residencial, corporatiu, hospitalari, hoteler i industrial.


Building in Catalonia is growing, but the sector has yet to recover

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
On Thursday, 14 July, at a meeting open to the media, the COAC took stock of the situation of the construction and building renovation sector in Catalonia over the first six months of 2016. This period ended with a total surface area of 1,662,812 m2 authorized for construction, 15.68% more than the previous six-month period and 15.05% more than the same period last year. The Architects’ Association views this as a positive result, but underlined the fact that other considerations need to be taken into account to properly evaluate the state of the sector:

1. We are not witnessing sustained growth: the evolution of authorizations actually points to a slowdown. While between July 2014 and July 2015 there was an increase of 32% in the surface area authorized, between July 2015 and July 2016 this growth had dropped by almost half, to 15%.

2. The increase in authorized building land relates mainly to a few very large-scale projects (over 10,000 m2), representing 26% of the total.

3. The surface area authorized during the first six months of this year continues to be extremely low throughout Catalonia, and very much below the construction and building renovation levels in the rest of Europe.

This therefore continues to be an unsustainable situation for the sector, which needs policies and incentives to reactivate it from an economic point of view and in order to complete its modernization process.


The province of Barcelona stands out for its continued growth (though not including the city of Barcelona). A total of 855,854 m2 were authorized this year, 36.57% more than in the second half of 2015. However, of this total we need to bear in mind that 24.3% is for large-scale projects (over 10,000 m2). The city of Barcelona showed an increase of 20.26%, the bulk of which was for projects of between 3,000 m2 and 10,000 m2. With regard to the other provinces, there was slight growth in Girona (5.97%) and Lleida (1.26%), while Tarragona and Terres de l’Ebre showed drops of 37.8% and 32.02% respectively.


In absolute terms, new build is continuing to show the most significant rise (22.56%), with around 1,083,329 m2 of land authorized. The surface area authorized for renovation dropped by 1.34% compared to the previous six-month period, with around 491,373 m2.


The current data show an increase in both housing and non-residential use, although figures are still very low. With regard to non-residential use, there were increases in health, education and office buildings which in previous periods had slowed down. 

With regard to the number of homes authorized, there were a total of 4,044 in the first half of the year which represents an increase of 12% compared to the previous six-month period.


The total volume of authorized surface area is still very much below the figure that would equate to the usual minimum.

- The sector is not yet experiencing a sufficiently strong structural recovery. Smaller projects of less than 3,000 m2 have only risen by 5.6%, while large-scale ones of over 10,000 m2 grew by 21.56%. Once again, the reactivation of the sector is failing to have an impact on either the majority of architects or other professionals and firms working in the sector.

- The increase in activity reflected in the amount of authorized surface area is primarily due to major projects in the province of Barcelona. In other provinces this figure has either fallen or remained stable.

- Once again, these figures underline something that the COAC has been demanding for some time: the need to implement measures of structural change to drive and steer the sector’s recovery and, as a knock-on factor, the economy. 

Consequently, the Association reiterates the need for a comprehensive Strategic Plan containing  MEASURES TO PROMOTE URBAN RENOVATION.

