
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya
The ASSOCIATIONS are internal organizations within the COAC and, while they do not have their own individual legal status, they do have a certain amount of representative and budgetary autonomy. They are made up of members who work in a specialist area, a particular type of practice or specific subject matter. In order to belong to an association, the interested member needs to register with that association and pay an enrolment fee as well as a regular membership fee.
There are currently 6 associations in operation:
There are currently 6 associations in operation:
Association of Architects for Architectural Heritage Protection and Intervention (AADIPA)
A group of architects and other professionals whose aim is to uphold, protect, research and disseminate information on architectural heritage by improving the training of its members and organizing and managing conferences, seminars, discussions, courses, tours, publications, exhibitions and other events related to interventions in historical buildings. Its most well-known activity is the annual course on Interventions in Architectural Heritage, which is held every December.
Association of Architects Serving the Public Administration (AASAP)
This group is made up of architects involved in public service of any kind and in any sphere of government: state, regional, provincial and local. They organize debates and seminars and help to raise architects’ awareness of the way governmental bodies operate, directing their efforts towards tackling the specific problems of the architects who work in different government agencies.
Urban Planning Architects’ Association of Catalonia (AAUC)
This association is made up of professionals with an interest in the different aspects of town and country planning and landscape intervention, from planning through to management at every level of spatial and land-use planning. They organize meetings, trips and debates on the subjects of urban, town and spatial planning of professional interest and on European standardization in this specialist area.
Forensic Architecture Experts’ Association of Catalonia (AAEPFC)
A group of professionals with experience and an interest in the provision of expert forensic judgements. Under the auspices of the Governing Board of the Architects’ Association, it looks after the administration of the list of forensic experts that is made available to the Courts of Justice, government agencies and the general public. It also organizes courses and events relating to the legal aspects of professional practice and looks after publications associated with this expert sphere.
Young Architects’ Association of Catalonia (AJAC)
The association comprises architects under the age of 40 and organizes discussions, debates and other events directly associated with the relationship between academic training and professional experience and the problems that affect architects in their early years of professional practice. The association organizes the AJAC Awards for Young Architects with the aim of raising public awareness of outstanding work by young professionals. In the professional sphere, it works to facilitate new architects’ first steps by proposing tenders for young architects, organizing further training, upholding the interests of young architects, and so on.
Architecture and Sustainability (AuS)
The main goal of this association is to engender debate on the subject of sustainability, a productive undertaking which calls upon the different stakeholders in society (architects, the Association, government, consumers, etc.) to improve the conditions for facilitating architecture that is more respectful of the environment. The Association hopes to become a social benchmark of the commitment of architectural professionals to sustainable development and a technical benchmark in the sphere of sustainable architecture. It also plays an active role in the creation and dissemination of instruments for facilitating the inclusion of environmental criteria in projects and works.