Propers Actes
Open Centre for Architecture
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
The Open Centre for Architecture, a new cultural interlocutor designed as an area of architectural knowledge and culture to stimulate the links of architecture with society, promote architectural research and enhance its innovative role.
Concentrate to spread, host to discover, show to enjoy
With the Open Center, promoted by the College of Architects of Catalonia, more emphasis will be placed on the cultural aspect than the COAC has been promoting for so many years.
In this way, thanks to its organization as a multicentric space (with 11 headquarters spread throughout the Catalan territory), a six-monthly programme will be carried out to collect and disseminate architectural knowledge and culture based on the wealth of the documental funds guarded by COAC.
The new Open Center of Architecture was created with the aim of becoming a point of pioneering architectural knowledge in the state and with an international perspective.
Concentrate to spread, host to discover, show to enjoy
With the Open Center, promoted by the College of Architects of Catalonia, more emphasis will be placed on the cultural aspect than the COAC has been promoting for so many years.
In this way, thanks to its organization as a multicentric space (with 11 headquarters spread throughout the Catalan territory), a six-monthly programme will be carried out to collect and disseminate architectural knowledge and culture based on the wealth of the documental funds guarded by COAC.
The new Open Center of Architecture was created with the aim of becoming a point of pioneering architectural knowledge in the state and with an international perspective.