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COAC's new website

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

The website of the Architects’ Association has been given a total makeover. Obviously, architects and architecture are the protagonists. The new website aims to provide an essential tool to help reposition the role of architects within our society, while at the same time promoting the social and cultural values of architecture. The website arquitectes.cat aims to provide a point of reference that will bring us closer to the community and the business world at a time when it is essential to assert ourselves both collectively and individually.

arquitectes.cat is based around five main browsing sections: citizens, architects, architecture, the Association and the business world. Great care has been taken to ensure that every section reflects the dynamic role that architects and their representative Association play in our society.
The site’s user-friendliness has also been improved by simplifying and streamlining the browsing experience and including the dissemination opportunities offered by social networks.

Customized content
arquitectes.cat also aims to address the huge range of interests of our member architects and the general public by offering visitors the chance to customize the website to suit their interests, whether this is in terms of the subject matter (sustainability, town and country planning, building renovations, society, internationalization, etc.) or geographically speaking.



Nueva Ley catalana de Arquitectura

© Generalitat de Catalunya

El Consell Executiu aprobó el martes 3 de diciembre la memoria previa al inicio de la tramitación del Anteproyecto de la nueva ley de arquitectura, con la voluntad que el nuevo texto legal esté aprobado a finales de 2014. 

El objetivo general es poner en valor el interés público de la arquitectura, asegurar la preservación como  patrimonio cultural i social, así como distinguirla como bien fundamental para garantizar el bienestar de las personas y la cohesión social dotándola de objetivos de calidad en todo tipo de proyectos. El Colegio ha tenido un papel muy destacado en el impulso de esta ley, que fue anunciada por el conseller de Territori i Sostenibilitat, Santi Vila, en nuestra sede el pasado mes de julio. Además, el COAC participará activamente en el proceso de redacción de la ley.

Ver la ampliación de la noticia en la web de la Generalitat



© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

Approval of the draft Law on Professional Associations and Services (LSCP)

On 2 August, the Council of Ministers approved the draft LCSP, which still envisages a review of architects’ qualifications, setting up a working group to make ‘proposals relating to professional qualifications in the sphere of engineering and construction’. Although it incorporates measures to modernize professional associations, it supports the intervention of the State and the loss of autonomy and consequent weakening of associations in their role to uphold the profession and their responsibility towards civil society, and directly invades the exclusive competences that Catalonia has in this area.This has opened up a period for consultations—until 16 September—based on which the Council of Ministers will pass the definitive bill. We have ahead of us a process that is highly unlikely to finish until next year. During this time, we will continue to directly oppose this draft law, rolling out actions to uphold the profession of architect and the professional conditions necessary for architecture to evolve. We will continue to denounce a ‘liberalization’ which, far from improving competitiveness, undermines the conditions in which architects do their jobs and hence their quality and competitiveness, making the current situation even more difficult and destroying many future prospects. The draft law also arbitrarily and unnecessarily rejects a model which has made architecture a benchmark for building and defining cities, replacing it with bog-standard construction without any kind of cultural or social value..With this objective, we will continue to coordinate with the CSCAE, the associations, architectural schools and other organizations related to architecture, counting on your involvement and support to continue engaging in whatever public or collective actions may be necessary.

Declaration in Support of Spanish Architecture

The Declaration in Support of Spanish Architecture is still active which, instigated by the CSCAE, enjoys the support in Catalonia of all the architectural schools and organizations associated with the sector. Support the Spanish architecture by clicking here.
We are more than 28.000 people.


ManiFEST June 18, 2013

What it is to be an Architect. Adaptation of a video from the American Institute of Architects.

For regular updates, follow us on social networks:  @COACatalunya  #NoalaLSP

Nova llei d'arquitectura

Nova llei d'arquitectura

© Generalitat de Catalunya
El Consell Executiu va aprovar el dimarts 3 de desembre la memòria prèvia a l’inici de la tramitació de l’Avantprojecte de la nova llei d’arquitectura, amb la voluntat que el nou text legal estigui aprovat a finals de 2014. 

L’objectiu general és posar en valor l’interès públic de l’arquitectura, assegurar-ne la preservació com a patrimoni cultural i social, així com distingir-la com a bé fonamental per garantir el benestar de les persones i la cohesió social dotant-la d'objectius de qualitats en tot tipus de projectes.

El Col·legi ha tingut un paper molt destacat en l'impuls d'aquesta llei, que va ser anunciada pel conseller de Territori i Sostenibilitat, Santi Vila, a la nostra seu el passat mes de juliol. A més, el COAC participarà activament en el procés de redacció de la llei.
