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Exposició "Making Work" dins el Cicle La Cova. Sobre la Tècnica

© Carmody Groarke


El despatx d’arquitectura Carmody Groarke de Londres, format per Kevin Carmody i Andrew Groarke, participa en el cicle expositiu "La Cova. Sobre la Tècnica", amb l'exposició "Making Work", on reflexionen sobre la seva particular visió de la tècnica.

La mostra recull cinc projectes dissenyats per aquest estudi londinenc on exploren les aproximacions a l’elaboració de l’arquitectura. Els cinc projectes seleccionats representen la diversitat cultural de les propostes que l’estudi ha dissenyat i construït al llarg dels últims deu anys, en termes d’escala del temps (temporal i permanent) i escala física (de pavelló a gran museu públic).

El cicle expositiu “La Cova. Sobre la Tècnica”, que duu a terme el Departament de Cultura de la Demarcació de Girona des d'octubre de 2014, té per objectiu donar a conèixer diferents maneres d’imaginar, projectar, composar, muntar, mesclar, construir, materialitzar i post-produir una obra.

Segueix-nos a twiter amb la paraula clau #ciclelacova

Amb la col·laboració de Moritz.

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Exhibition by Lo Siento in Girona

© Lo Siento

The team of graphic designers Lo Siento, comprising Borja Martínez and Gerard Miró, is taking part in the series of exhibitions 'La Cova. About Technique', with the show 'Disseny a foc lent' (Design on a simmering heat), in which they consider their own particular vision of technique. The show can be visited at the Girona branch office from 4 December 2015 to 14 February 2016.

Graphic design is, traditionally, a visual communication tool. We are accustomed to perceiving graphic information using our sense of sight. Returning to traditional techniques prior to the digital age, using the third dimension and a physical approach to graphic solutions, has enabled us to perceive graphic design using other senses, redefining the relationship between graphic design and the material. Graphics that you can see, touch, drink or eat.

The exhibition series 'La Cova. About Technique', managed by the Girona branch's Department of Culture since October 2014, aims to reveal alternative ways of imagining, planning, composing, assembling, mixing, constructing, executing and post-producing a project. 

Follow us on twitter with the keyword #ciclelacova or #sobrelatecnica

With the collaboration of Moritz and Epson.

Borja Martínez graduated as a graphic designer from the London College of Communication. Sole founder of Lo Siento in 2005, he is part of the general assembly of FAD (Fostering Arts and Design) and currently gives classes at the IDEP design school.

Gerard Miró graduated as a graphic designer from the EINA University School of Design and Art in Barcelona, currently gives classes at the IDEP design school and participates in the master’s degree course on Branding and Packaging at the BAU School of Design. The two form part of the Lo Siento studio, specializing in corporate identity and packaging and known for bringing a physical and hand-crafted approach to graphic solutions. They develop graphic and art direction projects for clients as diverse as El Bulli (catering), Roca (sanitary ware), Easyled (lighting), Pinkertones (electronic music), Sandro Desii (food packaging), Triticum (food packaging), DHUB (design museum), IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia), O, The Oprah Magazine (communication), OFF Fest (design festival), NOMO Group (catering), "la Caixa" (exhibition) and Audi (automotive).

The studio has been recognised with a number of Laus and Grand Laus Awards since 2010 in the categories of packaging, lettering, identity and naming. Currently the studio comprises a team of six professionals and takes part in a number of festivals around the world (Spain, USA, England, Italy, Mexico, Brazil…), giving workshops and lectures.

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