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Kopdakpark, h3o architects and Biomassekraftwerk, Thomas Weckerle

Conference | 'Cities Connection Project · Architectures in transition' | h3o architects + Thomas Weckerle

© Kopdakpark, h3o architects and Biomassekraftwerk, Thomas Weckerle

As part of the 'Cities Connection Project · Architectures in transition' programme, we have the opportunity to listen to a conference by the architects of h3o architects and Thomas Weckerle.

At h3o they seek to create spaces that transcend the ordinary, fostering meaningful connections between people, contexts and nature. At the intersection of fantasy and theory, his projects weave new spatial and social possibilities that respond to the contemporary challenges of architecture.

Bruck + Weckerle Architekten's approach, which is both urbanistic and programmatic, aims to use the functional potential of a building task on a specific site and develop building volumes from it. The formal reduction and the examination of typologies and materials are an expression of his architecture.

The Cities Connection Project · Architectures in transition' program includes an exhibition that can be seen from February 20 to April 3, in the COAC Tarragona exhibition hall, and three conferences:

20/02 · 7:30 p.m | h3o architects + Thomas Weckerle
13/03 · 7:30 p.m | Maira arquitectes + Ballast architectes
03/04 · 7:30 p.m | NUA arquitectures + epoc architecture


The organization reserves the right to modify the content of this program.


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