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Impressió general
  • Winning work of the Alejandro de la Sota prize. Alzheimer's Therapeutic Center. Josep Riu de Martin. © Salva López

    XII Biennal Alejandro de la Sota, in Cambrils

    The exhibition of the XII BIENNAL ALEJANDRO DE LA SOTA - MOSTRA D'ARQUITECTURA DE TARRAGONA shows the projects presented in this contest which aims to distinguish the most significant works that have been built in the biennium 2019-2020 in the territorial scope of the Demarcation (counties of Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, Conca de Barb

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Since: Wed, 01 June - Until: Sun, 18 September

  • Tapestry design by Josep Piqué Iserte

    Exhibition "Geometries" Josep Piqué Iserte

    From June 22 to August 8, 2022, the exhibition "Geometries" Josep Piqué Iserte can be seen at the COAC Tarragona.“His training as an architect accompanied him throughout his life and, in one way or another, permeated his artistic work.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Since: Wed, 22 June - Until: Mon, 08 August

  • Exhibition "arquitectes en construcció"

    Arquitectes en construcció

    From May 5 to June 15, you can see the exhibition "Arquitectes en construcció" at COAC Tarragona.An exhibition and a publication of the Final Degree Projects of 34 collegiate architects.The exhibition supports recently graduated architects. This edition includes the projects from 2007 at 2021.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Since: Thu, 05 May - Until: Wed, 15 June

  • dibuix catedral

    Exhibition “LA SEU DE MANRESA, 700 ANYS / De Berenguer de Montagut a Gaudí”

    Casa Lluvià is hosting, from 16 September to 10 October, the exhibition “LA SEU DE MANRESA, 700 ANYS / De Berenguer de Montagut a Gaudí”, curated by Fermí Bataller and Francesc Rafat.

    Regional branch: Comarques Centrals - Seu de Manresa
    Since: Thu, 16 September - Until: Sun, 10 October

  • cartell el model vienès

    The Vienna Model - Housing for the Twenty-First-Century City

    ATTENTION: Due to the works in Plaça Nova, this exhibition will end on Wednesday 25th August. We apologise for any inconvenience.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Since: Thu, 15 July - Until: Wed, 25 August

  • Exhibition: "50 Years of the Historical Archive"

    On 7 October, on the same date as World Architecture Day and as part of the celebrations for the fiftieth anniversary of our Historical Archive, the COAC is inaugurating the exhibition entitled “50 anys de l'Arxiu Històric" (50 Years of the Historical Archive), which will occupy the Mezzanine and the Espai Picasso until 6 January 2020.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Since: Mon, 07 October - Until: Mon, 06 January

  • Exhibition: 'Letters to the Mayor'

    On 28 March, the exhibition 'Letters to the Mayor' opens at the Association’s headquarters in Plaça Nova, representing a kaleidoscope of Barcelona in the form of 70 letters from architects and professionals in other disciplines associated with the creation of value for the city.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Since: Thu, 28 March - Until: Sun, 05 May

  • Unveiled Affinities: Quaderns in Europe

    The exhibition ‘Unveiled Affinities: Quaderns in Europe’ opens February 15th at COAC. Its concept and curation is by the architects Pau Bajet, Pablo Garrido and Maria Giramé.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Since: Fri, 15 February - Until: Sun, 24 March

  • Exhibition '20 architects of the 20th century'

    Casa Lluvià hosts the exhibition '20 architects of the twentieth century', constructivist portraits by Maria Picassó, from October 10th to November 3rd.Maria Picassó is an architect and professional illustrator based in Barcelona, with wide range of projects for video games, books and worldwide press.With a unique and recognized vector style, she is a versatile, enthusiastic and experienced artist who enjoys all the lines, shapes and colours.

    Regional branch: Comarques Centrals - Seu de Manresa
    Since: Wed, 10 October - Until: Sat, 03 November
