Unprecedented success of Catalan architects at...
Unprecedented success of Catalan architects at...
This year's Biennale is a clear sign that Catalan architecture is triumphing abroad. More than thirty Catalan firms are present at Venice's 15th Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, either showing their work as part of the 'Unfinished' exhibition in the Spanish Pavilion (where 40% of the architecture firms are Catalan), or taking part in the exhibition 'Aftermath_Architecture beyond architects', representing Catalonia at the Eventi Collaterali.
The COAC Archive and Library are collaborating...
The COAC Archive and Library are collaborating...
The Historical Archive and the Library of the COAC are collaborating in the exhibition ‘Barcelona. The Metropolis in the Age of Photography, 1860-2004’, which can be visited at La Virreina until 26 June 2016. The COAC has lent for this exhibition a total of 69 documents, including photos and journals.
A new series of activities begins at the COAC:...
A new series of activities begins at the COAC:...
On Thursday 3 March, at 7.30 pm, a new series of activities kicks off on the theme of ‘Absolutely moder(rr)n. An overview of new local architecture’, curated by Moisés Puente.
Entitat organitzadora: Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya
The COAC presents the Architectural Agenda with...
The COAC presents the Architectural Agenda with...
On 14 October, the Architects’ Association presented the Architectural Agenda, a new information channel for disseminating the cultural activities related to architecture, urban development and design taking place in Catalonia.
The COAC's Historical Archive on Instagram
The COAC's Historical Archive on Instagram
Entering this social network will help disseminate the wealth of documents held in the Historical and Photographic Archive, which currently holds close to two million documented items —plans, maps, sketches, drawings, publications, photographs, correspondence, audiovisual records, etc.—a result, mainly, of donations, making it a reference centre for academics and architects from all over the world, as well as representing an asset of incalculable value.
Convening of the Architectural Awards of the Co...
Convening of the Architectural Awards of the Co...
The Girona branch office of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia is convening the 19th edition of the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona, with the aim of evaluating the architecture carried out within the branch’s region, in order to demonstrate the quality and precision of its professionals.
Works of art from the COAC's Historical Ar...
Works of art from the COAC's Historical Ar...
From 18 January until 3 April the exhibition 'Una col·lecció per a un viatge. Promoció d’arquitectes Barcelona 1960' (Collection for a trip. Barcelona architects 1960) can be visited at the Vila Casas Foundation’s Can Framis Museum.
Touring exhibition of the 9th Alejandro de la S...
Touring exhibition of the 9th Alejandro de la S...
The exhibition of the 9th ALEJANDRO DE LA SOTA BIENNIAL, which was available to visit at the COAC’s Tarragona branch office up to mid-August 2015, is beginning a tour of various towns and cities of the El Camp de Tarragona region.
Entitat organitzadora: COAC
FAD Thought and Criticism Award 2015
FAD Thought and Criticism Award 2015
The last issue of the journal Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme (issue 265) has been granted the FAD Thought and Criticism Award 2015.
Architect Carme Pinós is awarded Creu de Sant J...
Architect Carme Pinós is awarded Creu de Sant J...
Architect and urban planner Carme Pinós has been awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi 2015, granted by the Generalitat de Catalunya in recognition of her work.The award, one of the highest distinctions given by the Catalan government, was given on April 14, 2015, to twenty-seven individuals and fourteen organizations.
COAC collaborates with 'La rosa di fuoco...
COAC collaborates with 'La rosa di fuoco...
The COAC's Historical Archive collaborates with the upcoming exhibition 'La rosa di fuoco. La Barcellona di Picasso e Gaudi', which will open in Ferrara's Palazzo dei Diamanti (Italy) on April the 19th.The exhibition features nearly 130 works, including paintings by Catalan artists Ramon Casas, Santiago Rusiñol, Joaquim Mir and Isidre Nonell, as well as sculptures, drawings, photographs, decorative artworks and jewels.
Projects selected for the Mies van der Rohe Awa...
Projects selected for the Mies van der Rohe Awa...
The European Commission and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe announced on December 16th the list of 420 projects competing for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award 2015.
Tender for the participation of Catalonia in th...
Tender for the participation of Catalonia in th...
The Ramon Llull Institute (IRL), in collaboration with the COAC, has convened a public tender to choose the curator responsible for drawing up Catalonia’s proposal for taking part in the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale between 7 June and 23 November 2014. The first phase—the presentation of projects—ends on 13 June.
The "Rowers" exhibition in Toulouse
The "Rowers" exhibition in Toulouse
Between 20 June and 14 September this year, the Southern Centre for Architecture and the City (CMAV) in Toulouse hosted the exhibition 'Rowers, Young Architecture in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands', featuring the project which Catalonia and the Balearic Islands exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2012.
'Espai Transmissor del Tumul de Sero'...
'Espai Transmissor del Tumul de Sero'...
This project by Toni Gironés for the megalithic complex in Artesa de Segre, which a few days ago was distinguished with the FAD Award, is the backbone of this exhibition on the work of the Catalan architect and can be visited until 18 August at the SAM (Swiss Architecture Museum) in Basel. Entitled 'Space+Matter: Life+Place', the exhibition features a total of 15 projects completed in the last few years and demonstrates the architectural firm’s determination to use only the
The proposal for Edifici 111 is showcased in Co...
The proposal for Edifici 111 is showcased in Co...
The architectural firm Flores & Prats is showcasing their project for Edifici 111 in Terrassa at an exhibition in the Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen from 5 September to 25 October 2013.