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The Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism in New York
The 13th Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU) goes to the United States for the very first time to exhibit at the Cooper Union in New York, before travelling on to France, Germany, Japan and Sweden.
The exhibition, entitled 'Alternativas / Alternatives', can be visited between 27 October and 3 December 2016, and brings together 22 award-winning projects and 20 finalists selected by the 13th BEAU jury for the sections covering architectural works and actions, research and dissemination. It is curated by Begoña Díaz-Urgorri, Juan Domingo Santos and Carmen Moreno Álvarez, and supervised by Francisco Mangado, the general coordinator for Spanish Biennials.
Referring to the works on display, Mangado stated that 'the economic crisis was a critical moment for Spanish architecture and we have seen a slowdown in new construction, but an increase in restoration work'. He went on to say, 'Our objective in bringing the Biennial to the Cooper Union and turning it into a travelling exhibition was to open up the sensitive forms and inventive design of Spanish architecture to the world.'
The travelling exhibition which had, before going to New York, been available to visit at Granada's Alhambra, is now presented in association with Archtober, New York City's annual Architecture and Design month.
Award-winning projects In the jury's opinion, the award-winning projects represent a general overview of the architectural and urban planning output completed by Spanish architects over recent years, dominated by domestic and small-scale contributions.
Amongst the 22 BEAU award-winning works, we find the following Catalan projects and architects:
· Casa Bastida, de Ramon Bosch Pagès i Elisabet Capdeferro Pla
· Casa Luz, d'Arquitectura-G
· Nou accés al centre històric de Gironella, per Carles Enrich
· Reconstrucció i ampliació de la masia Can Calau, de Montserrat Nogués i Teixidor
· Casa 1014, d'H Arquitectes
October 27th - December 3rd 2016
Opening ceremony: October 27th 18.30 h
From Tuesday to Friday from 14 to 19h. Saturdays and Sundays from 12 to 19 h
The Cooper Union, Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Gallery, 2n pis
7 East 7th Street, Nova York