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New call for COAC grants for local and international cooperation

© DAW OFFICE. Escola a Trionck Essyl, Senegal, a càrrec de l'arquitecte David Garcia Martinez. Seleccionat per als Ajuts COAC a la Cooperació 2015
In its desire to maintain the visibility of architecture's social commitment, the Architect’s Association of Catalonia is, for the fifth year running, opening the call for grants for local and international development projects related to architecture, urban planning and the social function of architects. The awarding of these grants reflects the commitment of the Association to devote 0.7% of its Central Services' annual budget to social causes.

Those eligible to apply for grants within the scope of this call include associations, NGOs, foundations and other non-profit bodies working in the field of cooperation with international and/or local development which have architects among their collaborators, whether salaried, volunteers or with a professional service contract. This call covers two main areas for grants: International Development Cooperation and Local Development Cooperation.

Within each of these two areas, there are five types of grant:

a) Building or renovation of housing
b) Building or renovation of community facilities
c) Building or renovation of infrastructures
d) Building or renovation of public spaces
e) Urban planning

Applicants, who must be members of the COAC, can send an email to coac@coac.cat requesting the necessary documents, which need to be submitted to any COAC branch or delegation before 1 pm on 17 May 2016.

For more information, contact coac@coac.cat.

Jordi Ludevid, nuevo presidente de Unión Profesional

Jordi Ludevid

El actual presidente del Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE), Jordi Ludevid i Anglada, ha sido nombrado presidente de Unión Profesional (UP), asociación que agrupa a las profesiones colegiadas españolas.

El miércoles 13 de abril, la Asamblea de Unión Profesional (UP), a la que pertenecen los máximos representantes de los 31 Consejos Generales y Superiores y Colegios Profesionales de ámbito estatal, eligió como nuevo presidente a Jordi Ludevid, actual presidente del Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE) y, hasta el momento, vicepresidente de UP.

Jordi Ludevid, quien tomó posesión de su cargo al término de la Asamblea General, destacó la labor desempeñada por el abogado Carlos Carnicer, presidente de UP hasta el pasado mes de enero. Siguiendo la línea trazada por el anterior mandato, Ludevid reafirmó su intención de continuar trabajando por hacer efectiva la interlocución entre las profesiones y el gobierno de España.

Jordi Ludevid es arquitecto y urbanista (Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, 1974). Ha sido arquitecto municipal y consultor en diversos ayuntamientos de la provincia de Barcelona, y asesor de arquitectura y urbanismo en el Puerto de Barcelona. Fue decano del Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya, presidente de la Demarcación de Barcelona, delegado del Bages-Berguedà y presidente de la Agrupación de Arquitectos al Servicio de la Administración Pública (AASAP)

Consulta la web de Unión Profesional

Jordi Ludevid i Anglada

Jordi Ludevid, nou president d’Unión Profesional

Jordi Ludevid

L'actual president del Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE) ha estat nomenat president d'Unión Profesional (UP), associació que agrupa les professions col·legiades espanyoles.

Jordi Ludevid i Anglada
, que havia estat degà del Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (2006-2010), president de la Demarcació de Barcelona (2002-2006), delegat del Bages-Berguedà (1998-2002) i president de l'Agrupació d’Arquitectes al Servei de l’Administració Pública (1998-2002), va ser escollit com a nou president per l'Assemblea d’Unión Profesional, a la qual pertanyen els màxims representants dels 31 Consells Generals i Superiors i Col·legis Professionals d’àmbit estatal.

En prendre possessió del càrrec, el passat 13 d'abril, Jordi Ludevid va destacar el treball dut a terme per l’advocat Carlos Carnicer, president d’UP fins el passat mes de gener. Seguint la línia de l’anterior mandat, el nou president va reafirmar la seva intenció de continuar treballant per fer efectiva la interlocució entre les professions i el govern espanyol.

Jordi Ludevid és arquitecte i urbanista (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1974). Ha estat arquitecte municipal i consultor a diversos ajuntaments de la província de Barcelona, i assessor d’arquitectura i urbanisme del Port de Barcelona. De 2007 fins a 2009 va ser vicepresident segon del Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE) i, des de 2010, n'és el president.

Consulta el web d'Unión Profesional


Professional associations join forces to launch a campaign in the defence of refugee rights

Camp de refugiats de Zaatari, prop de la ciutat jornada de Mafraq (Jordània)
The Intercollegiate Association of Professional Associations of Catalonia, to which the Architects' Association belongs, together with more than 100 other professional associations, is promoting a campaign to denounce the sub-human situation faced by refugees arriving on European soil.

It refers to a situation that worsened immediately after the preliminary agreement reached between the European Union and Turkey, which means expelling all those who arrived in Greece illegally, including those escaping from wars or suffering persecution, as in the case of Syrian refugees.

'Not one more minute of shame! For a Europe of the people'
Under this slogan, the professional associations are denouncing the current situation and stressing that human rights are the only values that should guide our society. Thus, they are urging all countries to prepare rapid and effective measures to improve aid to refugees.

To that end, they have drawn up a ‘Manifesto in Defence of Refugee Rights'. They were able to get all the public administrations, public and private institutions and NGOs to support this Manifesto, along with all those groups and citizens who want to reverse the current situation in which the migrants find themselves.

Sign in support of the Manifesto

Open event for handing out the Manifesto
As part of the campaign in favour of the refugees, the Associations are planning a number of actions.

The most immediate one is the event for handing out the Manifesto, taking place on Thursday, 17 March, at 1.15 pm, at the Office of the European Commission in Barcelona (Passeig de Gràcia, 90). The handing-out event will be undertaken by the deans and presidents of Associations along with the boards of the Associations and representatives of other supportive institutions.

This is an event to be attended by anyone wishing to show their support for the refugees and to denounce the precarious humanitarian situation in which they find themselves.
