Propers Actes
Water heritage: the key theme of the 41st AADIPA Heritage Course
© Agrupació d'Arquitectes per a la Defensa i la Intervenció en el Patrimoni Arquitectònic (AADIPA) del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya
On 13 December, the 41st International Course on Interventions in Architectural Heritage begins, organised by the Association of Architects for the Defence and Intervention of Architectural Heritage (AADIPA) of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia.
This year, the theme of the seminars, which take place from 13 to 16 December in the COAC’s Auditorium, is 'Camins d'aigua: restauració i ús del patrimoni hidràulic' (Waterways: the restoration and use of our water heritage).
The inaugural address will be given by president of the AADIPA, Antoni Vilanova; Jaume Busquets and Maria Llinàs, the co-directors of the 41st course; and Assumpció Puig, dean of the COAC.
At this year’s course, the objective will be to take a closer look at one of the most overlooked elements of our industrial heritage: water heritage, which, paradoxically, represents one of the essential cornerstones of the world’s cultures and civilisations. The course will reflect on its heritage value (in every aspect—artistic, ethnographic, landscaping, social, etc.) and its different scales (regional, urban, in buildings and small auxiliary features), about how they should be protected, how we should define their essential features, how their materials are performing and, above all, how we can restore, preserve and adapt them to new uses, if necessary. Basically, everything that would relate to any other type of heritage.
In view of the fact that the projects presented at the course have very different dimensions and timelines, they will be grouped into five themed blocks according to their predominant use: Supply, Agriculture, Recreation, Transport and Energy.
To achieve this objective, the course will be attended by experts from different professional fields related to the theme who will share their experiences.
Further information and registration.
This year, the theme of the seminars, which take place from 13 to 16 December in the COAC’s Auditorium, is 'Camins d'aigua: restauració i ús del patrimoni hidràulic' (Waterways: the restoration and use of our water heritage).
The inaugural address will be given by president of the AADIPA, Antoni Vilanova; Jaume Busquets and Maria Llinàs, the co-directors of the 41st course; and Assumpció Puig, dean of the COAC.
At this year’s course, the objective will be to take a closer look at one of the most overlooked elements of our industrial heritage: water heritage, which, paradoxically, represents one of the essential cornerstones of the world’s cultures and civilisations. The course will reflect on its heritage value (in every aspect—artistic, ethnographic, landscaping, social, etc.) and its different scales (regional, urban, in buildings and small auxiliary features), about how they should be protected, how we should define their essential features, how their materials are performing and, above all, how we can restore, preserve and adapt them to new uses, if necessary. Basically, everything that would relate to any other type of heritage.
In view of the fact that the projects presented at the course have very different dimensions and timelines, they will be grouped into five themed blocks according to their predominant use: Supply, Agriculture, Recreation, Transport and Energy.
To achieve this objective, the course will be attended by experts from different professional fields related to the theme who will share their experiences.
Further information and registration.