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Seven local and international cooperation projects receive COAC grants

© Ana Mas. Tangassogo, Burkina Faso
A total of seven projects associated with architecture and urban planning have won COAC cooperation grants for 2020. These are both local and international projects which were particularly highly rated for their architectural quality, use of local materials and social participation.

It was decided that grants, totalling 47,000 euros, would be awarded to the following entities:


Conviure net
Condicionament del local "Conviure Net: rentem la roba a qui més ho necessita".
Architect: Cristina Monjas Rincón
Grant awarded: 4.250€ euros

Fundació Contorno urbano
Construcció col·lectiva d'un equipament sociocultural i comunitari de les Planes i la Florida.
Architect: Ninoska Juan Álvarez
Grant awarded: 4.250€ euros

Punt Raval (fase VI). Transformació social des de l'habitatge.
Architect: Antonio M. Solanas Cànovas
Grant awarded: 4.250 euros

La Titaranya
Adequació de locals socials al Centre Històric de Valls.
Architect: Eixam arquitectures, SCCL
Grant awarded: 4.250 euros



Rehabilitació de la porta d'accés al ksar d'Ouled Driss.
Architect: Oriol Domínguez Martínez
Grant awarded: 10.000 euros

Associació de cooperació del desenvolupament de Baniandicori
Equipament per a la comunitat educativa de Diatock.
Architect: Sònia Rodríguez Pérez
Grant awarded: 10.000 euros

Construint vida a Burkina Faso.
Architect: Albert Faus Madrid
Grant awarded: 10.000 euros

Cooperation grants
For the last eight years, the Architects' Association of Catalonia has been organising cooperation grants in order to continue showcasing the social role of architects. The awarding of these grants is in keeping with the Association's commitment to allocating part of its budget to social pursuits. 