Propers Actes
The Secretariat updates and looks after the records of all the Association members in Catalonia. This is the gateway for any queries or comments that architects, institutions or the general public wish to convey to the Association, after which the Secretariat passes them on to the relevant person or department. Finally, it also serves as a one-stop office where Association members can request all kinds of forms and certificates, either in person or electronically.
T. 93 306 78 03
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 8.30 to 16.30 h, Friday from 8.30 to 14 h. Check here for summer timetables.
Plaça Nova, 5 - 3rd floor - 08002 Barcelona
T. 93 875 18 00
Opening hours: from Monday to Thursday from 9 to 13.30 h and from 15 to 16.30 h, Fridays from 9 to 14 h
Arquitecte Oms, 5 "Casa Lluvià" - 08242 Manresa
T. 93 875 18 00
Opening hours: from Monday to Thursday from 9 to 13 h and from 15 to 16.30 h, Fridays from 9 to 14 h
Plaça Bisbe Oliba, 2 - 08500
T. 93 731 34 11
Opening hours: from 8.30 to 14.30 h
Vapor Universitari Colom, 114, 1a planta - 08222 Terrassa
T. 972 41 28 91
Opening hours: from 9 to 15 h
Pia Almoina - Plaça Catedral, 8 - 17004 Girona
T. 977 24 93 67
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8 to 15 h and Tuesday and Thursday from 8 to 18 h
Sant Llorenç, 20-22 - 43003 Tarragona
T.973 22 89 21
Opening hours: from Monday to Thursday from 9 to 15 h, Fridays from 9 to 14 h
Canyeret, 2 - 25007 Lleida
T. 977 44 19 72
Opening hours: from 10 to 14 h
Casa Bau - Berenguer IV, 26 ppal. - 43500 Tortosa