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Avantguarda cycle

Relive the Avantguarda cycle

© Demarcation of Tarragona of the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC)

The AVANTGUARDA cycle, curated by Anna Castellà, from Arjub, concludes the cultural program that has included several meetings in the Seu's event hall.

The content of the cycle has been divided into four main sections: environmentalism, experimentalism, communicationism and academicism. The format of these four sections and on different days has been that of a conference, a debate group and a masterclass, per month.

This cultural program has been promoted by the board of the Demarcation of Tarragona of the College of Architects of Catalonia, with the support of the Open Center of Architecture, with the aim of showing the new realities facing the 'architecture and thus be able to reason about which aspects are priority in a climate emergency context, while generating spaces for debate with various topics.

With more than 25 speakers from local and European architects, a cycle has been formed, under an argumentative thread, with the desire to generate a shared and intergenerational learning space, which has sought to stimulate the links between architecture and society.

Now you can relive the AVANTGUARDA cycle by viewing the recorded sessions on the COAC Tarragona YouTube channel. We will update the news with the available videos.


February · ecology:
[C] Conference · Arqbag
[G] Debate group · Vivas Arquitectos + Josep Bunyesc + Maria Sisternas. Moderator: Daniel Muñoz
[M] Masterclass · Slow Studio

Març · experimentalisme:
[C] Conference · Takk
[G] Debate group · Vicente Molina + Beatriz Borque + Flexo Arquitectura. Moderator: Anna Castellà
[M] Masterclass · Javier F. Contreras

Abril · comunicacionisme:
[C] Conference · Moisés Puente
[G] Debate group · Laura Solsona + Eduard Fernández + Marina Povedano + Arnau Pascual + Guillem Elvira [AJAC]. Moderator: Anna Castellà
[M] Masterclass · Mesura

Maig · academicisme:
[G] Debate group · R. Miralles [ETSAR] + P. Fuertes [ETSAV] + C. Mendoza [UIC] + J.Ferrando [La Salle]. Moderator: Inés de Rivera
[C] Conference · Eva Franch
[M] Masterclass · Mariona Genís


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