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DEADLINE EXTENDED. Registration open for the 4th edition of the AADIPA Award
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
The European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention AADIPA opens its 4th edition. This biennial event, organized by the COAC (Architects' Association of Catalonia) and the AADIPA (Association of Architects for Architectural Heritage Protection and Intervention), aims to distinguish quality interventions in heritage and contribute to their dissemination.
The presentation of the Award took place on Friday, December 14, within the programming of the XLI edition of the International Course on Intervention in Architectural Heritage.
The new call, addressed to professionals related to interventions in architectural heritage (architects, historians, archaeologists...), opens its online registration on December 17, 2018 and will remain open until April 12, 2019.
Any completed work, carried out or published in the European geographical area during the period between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2018, and which meets the requirements of the 4 categories of the award can be entered:
Category A: Intervention in built heritage
Category B: Outdoor spaces
Category C: Planning
Category D: Dissemination
In the 4th edition, one of the award's latest developments is to increase the number of works selected as finalists. Thus, in category A, the jury will make a selection of up to 15 and in B, a maximum of 10, from which, in both cases, will emerge an award-winner and three finalists; on the other hand, in categories C and D, there will be one winner and three finalists. In addition, from all the work presented, the award management will concede for the first time a Special Restoration Award to the intervention that from a technical and methodological point of view stands out for its quality, precision and respect.
As happens every year, the official award ceremony will take place within the framework of the International Biennial of Architectural Heritage Intervention. A conference that is organized by the award management, with the support of the COAC, AADIPA and the Generalitat de Catalunya, and that will hold its 4th edition in June 2019 in Barcelona.
For further information, visit the Award's website.
The European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention AADIPA opens its 4th edition. This biennial event, organized by the COAC (Architects' Association of Catalonia) and the AADIPA (Association of Architects for Architectural Heritage Protection and Intervention), aims to distinguish quality interventions in heritage and contribute to their dissemination.
The presentation of the Award took place on Friday, December 14, within the programming of the XLI edition of the International Course on Intervention in Architectural Heritage.
The new call, addressed to professionals related to interventions in architectural heritage (architects, historians, archaeologists...), opens its online registration on December 17, 2018 and will remain open until April 12, 2019.
Any completed work, carried out or published in the European geographical area during the period between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2018, and which meets the requirements of the 4 categories of the award can be entered:
Category A: Intervention in built heritage
Category B: Outdoor spaces
Category C: Planning
Category D: Dissemination
In the 4th edition, one of the award's latest developments is to increase the number of works selected as finalists. Thus, in category A, the jury will make a selection of up to 15 and in B, a maximum of 10, from which, in both cases, will emerge an award-winner and three finalists; on the other hand, in categories C and D, there will be one winner and three finalists. In addition, from all the work presented, the award management will concede for the first time a Special Restoration Award to the intervention that from a technical and methodological point of view stands out for its quality, precision and respect.
As happens every year, the official award ceremony will take place within the framework of the International Biennial of Architectural Heritage Intervention. A conference that is organized by the award management, with the support of the COAC, AADIPA and the Generalitat de Catalunya, and that will hold its 4th edition in June 2019 in Barcelona.
For further information, visit the Award's website.