The New Zeland Landsdape Foundation highlighted the ability of the landscape to affect every living organism; from those born into it, to those who travel through it. It impacts the spaces that identify us, and thus, our future life aspirations. This lead to an environmental awareness during the second half of the 20th century, which resulted in increased landscape management, due to public interest, on establishing a standard landscape quality through natural and physical resources. Nonetheless, New Zealand landscape policies are specific, and this is partly due to the solicitation of budget assignment for the development of Landscape Practice code, initiated by the Ministry of the Environment. This is due to a desire to relate bicultural knowledge of landscape with environmental impacts, such as climate change and tourism.
There is difficulty in defining this code due to inconsistencies in the methodology of evaluating landscape without disruption. Tools for evaluating and designing rural and urban landscape should be established, and this highlights the role of landscape architecture. Landscape architecture is often scrutinized by the public in its method of preparation of plans, training policies, and professional practices. Working equipment and analysis can be difficult to measure, assess, and quantify as they have to be realistically adjusted to objectives. Any new policies originate from linguistic and social ideals of the influences of landscape by the characterization of nature as an inherent understanding of the world. Thus, any differences that new policies establish, should be clear in defining various landscape values. For example, some experts claim that there is no need to emphasize the protection of natural cultivated landscapes, as they have already been altered by humanity. Others claim that it is not a unique condition for an environment to be free of human influence or man-made structures, and therefore, should have the same rights when evaluating and researching unique values.
We are driven to recognize the three-dimensionality of landscape. Aspects that deal with time, spaces, and human attributes, are not a universal definition. Outside these limits are the characteristics of each environment, such as natural sciences, physical qualities, history, and usage, as well as the perception of them based on views and experiences. These are all factors that New Zealand seeks to apply to its future code of landscape.