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Open call for the 10th Rosa Barba Landscape Prize

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
Open call for the 10th Rosa Barba Landscape Prize, sponsored by Fundación Banc Sabadell framed within the 10th International Biennale of Landscape Architecture under the motto: "Perfomative nature" , to be held on  26th, 28th and 29th September 2018 in Barcelona.

Broadening the Biennial scope to its international approach, also directs the call for projects to world wide landscape architecture interventions and planning created after 2013. There will be a sole prize awarded by the International Jury. The prize of  15,000€  can not be declared void under any circumstances, and be announced during the symposium.

Complete the online registration form to submit your projects before our deadline on April 30th , 2018.

More information.

第八届罗莎• 芭芭国际景观奖日前开始公开征集作品,这一奖项由B a n c S a b a d e l l基金赞助。罗莎• 芭芭欧洲景观奖与两年一度的欧洲景观双年展共同举行。本届主题是“ 你的景观”( Perfomative nature), 双年展将于2 0 1 8年9月2 6日、2 7日、2 8日在巴塞罗那举行。

为了把罗莎芭芭景观奖在全世界传递开来,今年的双年展将把它扩展到全世界的当代景观领域。本届罗莎• 芭芭景观奖面向全球2 0 13年后建成的各种景观和规划项目, 提交项目文档的最终截止时间是2 0 1 8年4月30日(中国区5月30日)。


项目将由国际评审团进行评选, 本届委员会主席由景观设计师及加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校教授International Jury担任。最终将评选出唯一一位获奖者。奖金为15,000欧元。




