Propers Actes
Catalan architects in the World
© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
On February 24th the COAC held the awards ceremony of the First "Mostra" Exhibition of International Catalan Architecture.
73 architectural works were submitted to the "International Mostra", which include residential and non-residential works by public and private developers; landscape interventions and urban planning projects carried out between September 2004 and December 2013. During the event, the Innovation Award of Banco Sabadell Foundation was also delivered.
Beyond the recognition of the quality of the works presented to the "International Mostra", the event intended to highlight the work of Catalan architects abroad. Hence, the Catalan Minister of Territory and Sustainability, Santi Vila, congratulated the COAC on the work carried out with the "International Mostra" and the Network of COAC Correspondents, which help "stimulate a critical mass and thus generate and strengthen the Catalan ecosystem of talent". He also noted that the Government works and will continue working in order to "generate stimuli so that the sector is strong to create talent initiatives and projects". To this end, he announced that the Government intends to approve the project of Catalan Architecture Law within this parliamentary term.
During the event, a video of the COAC Correspondents was presented, which explains how Catalan architects and architecture are seen around the world:
The selected works at the First "Mostra" Exhibition of International Catalan Architecture are:
- Estudio BaBO (Francesc Planas, Francisco Kocourek, Marit Haugen Stabell). Casa VIB (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Estudio BaBO (Francesc Planas, Francisco Kocourek, Marit Haugen Stabell). Cases CLF (Villa la Angostura, Argentina)
- Estudio Carme Pinós (Carme Pinós). Pavelló a Río Blanco (Guadalajara, Mexico)
- Bonell i Gil Arquitectes (Esteve Bonell, Josep Maria Gil). Pieter Vreedeplein (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
- Nubuqnu (Núria Sabaté, Matthieu Buquet). Maison buq (Saint Victor l'Abbaye, France)
- Sandra Bestraten, Emili Hormias. Projecte de millora habitacional, Universitat Sense Fronteres (Ndjoreii, Cameroon)
- PichArchitects + David Cras (Felip Pich-Aguilera, David Cras, Teresa Batlle). Edifici d’habitatges de protecció oficial (Rennes, France)
- Calderon-Folch-Sarsanedas Arquitectes. Centre Léonce Georges (Chauffailles, France)
- Estudio Carme Pinós (Carme Pinós). Edifici de Departaments a la Universitat d’Econòmiques de Viena (Viena, Austria)
- Miralles Tagliabue EMBT (Benedetta Tagliabue). Pavelló d’Espanya Exposició Universal de Shanghai 2010 (Shanghai, China)
- Brullet - de Luna i Associats / Pinearq amb Huber Staudt Architekten (Manuel Brullet, Albert de Pineda, Alfonso de Luna, Christian Huber, Joachim Staudt). Hospital Hedwigshöle (Berlin, Germany)
- Mario Corea, Francisco Quijano, Gustavo Sapiña. Escuela Técnica 508. (Santa Fe, Argentina)
- Patricio Martínez, Maximià Torruella. Hospital Paramétrico de Puyo. (Puyo, Ecuador)
- Studio 1984 (Jordi Pimàs, Marina Ramirez, Romain Gié, Jean Réhault, Maria Sarlé). Edifici demostratiu dels principis d’Eco-construcció. (Muttersholtz, France)
- Albert Faus Madrid. Llar d’infants Laafi (Koudougou, Burkina Faso)
- Albert Faus Madrid. Centre d’integració escolar, professional i esportiva (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
- Miralles Tagliabue EMBT (Benedetta Tagliabue). Extensió Escola de Música (Hamburg, Germany)
- Anna & Eugeni Bach. La caseta (Nummi-Pusula, Finland)
- Tarrasó Arkitektur (Joaquim Tarrasó Climent). Norums Room (Stenungsund, Sweden)
- Jordi Tió Sauleda. (Berlin, Germany)
- Transformació urbana de l’Avenida Hidalgo. Bandada Studio. Iván Valero Fernández. (Mexico DF, Mexico)
- Miralles Tagliabue EMBT (Benedetta Tagliabue). Espais Públics Hafencity (Hamburg, Germany)
- EMBA Estudi Massip-Bosch Architects (Enric Massip). Remodelació de la plaça de la République i espais annexos (Leucate, France)
- Office of Architecture in Barcelona OAB (Carlos Ferrater). Piazza Mazzini (Venice, Italy)
- ERV Arquitectes Associats (Eduard Rodriguez i Villaescusa). PE de Recuperación y Gestión del Centro Histórico de Cajamarca. (Cajamarca, Peru)
- CODA Research Group, UPC. Enrique Soriano. BigO (Csorompuszta, Hungary)
- Albert Faus Madrid. Kamba Zaka-La Maison des Enfants (Koudougou, Burkina Faso)
73 architectural works were submitted to the "International Mostra", which include residential and non-residential works by public and private developers; landscape interventions and urban planning projects carried out between September 2004 and December 2013. During the event, the Innovation Award of Banco Sabadell Foundation was also delivered.
Beyond the recognition of the quality of the works presented to the "International Mostra", the event intended to highlight the work of Catalan architects abroad. Hence, the Catalan Minister of Territory and Sustainability, Santi Vila, congratulated the COAC on the work carried out with the "International Mostra" and the Network of COAC Correspondents, which help "stimulate a critical mass and thus generate and strengthen the Catalan ecosystem of talent". He also noted that the Government works and will continue working in order to "generate stimuli so that the sector is strong to create talent initiatives and projects". To this end, he announced that the Government intends to approve the project of Catalan Architecture Law within this parliamentary term.
During the event, a video of the COAC Correspondents was presented, which explains how Catalan architects and architecture are seen around the world:
The selected works at the First "Mostra" Exhibition of International Catalan Architecture are:
- Estudio BaBO (Francesc Planas, Francisco Kocourek, Marit Haugen Stabell). Casa VIB (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Estudio BaBO (Francesc Planas, Francisco Kocourek, Marit Haugen Stabell). Cases CLF (Villa la Angostura, Argentina)
- Estudio Carme Pinós (Carme Pinós). Pavelló a Río Blanco (Guadalajara, Mexico)
- Bonell i Gil Arquitectes (Esteve Bonell, Josep Maria Gil). Pieter Vreedeplein (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
- Nubuqnu (Núria Sabaté, Matthieu Buquet). Maison buq (Saint Victor l'Abbaye, France)
- Sandra Bestraten, Emili Hormias. Projecte de millora habitacional, Universitat Sense Fronteres (Ndjoreii, Cameroon)
- PichArchitects + David Cras (Felip Pich-Aguilera, David Cras, Teresa Batlle). Edifici d’habitatges de protecció oficial (Rennes, France)
- Calderon-Folch-Sarsanedas Arquitectes. Centre Léonce Georges (Chauffailles, France)
- Estudio Carme Pinós (Carme Pinós). Edifici de Departaments a la Universitat d’Econòmiques de Viena (Viena, Austria)
- Miralles Tagliabue EMBT (Benedetta Tagliabue). Pavelló d’Espanya Exposició Universal de Shanghai 2010 (Shanghai, China)
- Brullet - de Luna i Associats / Pinearq amb Huber Staudt Architekten (Manuel Brullet, Albert de Pineda, Alfonso de Luna, Christian Huber, Joachim Staudt). Hospital Hedwigshöle (Berlin, Germany)
- Mario Corea, Francisco Quijano, Gustavo Sapiña. Escuela Técnica 508. (Santa Fe, Argentina)
- Patricio Martínez, Maximià Torruella. Hospital Paramétrico de Puyo. (Puyo, Ecuador)
- Studio 1984 (Jordi Pimàs, Marina Ramirez, Romain Gié, Jean Réhault, Maria Sarlé). Edifici demostratiu dels principis d’Eco-construcció. (Muttersholtz, France)
- Albert Faus Madrid. Llar d’infants Laafi (Koudougou, Burkina Faso)
- Albert Faus Madrid. Centre d’integració escolar, professional i esportiva (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
- Miralles Tagliabue EMBT (Benedetta Tagliabue). Extensió Escola de Música (Hamburg, Germany)
- Anna & Eugeni Bach. La caseta (Nummi-Pusula, Finland)
- Tarrasó Arkitektur (Joaquim Tarrasó Climent). Norums Room (Stenungsund, Sweden)
- Jordi Tió Sauleda. (Berlin, Germany)
- Transformació urbana de l’Avenida Hidalgo. Bandada Studio. Iván Valero Fernández. (Mexico DF, Mexico)
- Miralles Tagliabue EMBT (Benedetta Tagliabue). Espais Públics Hafencity (Hamburg, Germany)
- EMBA Estudi Massip-Bosch Architects (Enric Massip). Remodelació de la plaça de la République i espais annexos (Leucate, France)
- Office of Architecture in Barcelona OAB (Carlos Ferrater). Piazza Mazzini (Venice, Italy)
- ERV Arquitectes Associats (Eduard Rodriguez i Villaescusa). PE de Recuperación y Gestión del Centro Histórico de Cajamarca. (Cajamarca, Peru)
- CODA Research Group, UPC. Enrique Soriano. BigO (Csorompuszta, Hungary)
- Albert Faus Madrid. Kamba Zaka-La Maison des Enfants (Koudougou, Burkina Faso)