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Biblioteca Roca Umbert

8a Mostra d’Arquitectura del Vallès a Granollers

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

L’exposició de la 8a Mostra d’Arquitectura del Vallès continua la seva itinerància pels municipis de la comarca. Després de visitar l’Ajuntament de Matadepera, ara es troba exposada a la Biblioteca Roca Umbert de Granollers, fins al 21 d’abril. 

Aquesta exposició recull de manera lúdica i flexible les diferents obres presentades a la 8a Mostra d’Arquitectura del Vallès, reproduïdes en una sèrie de panells que s’ubiquen en els diferents mòduls que conformen l’exposició, convidant el visitant a la interacció per anar descobrint el material exposat. 

El programa Mostres d'Arquitectura del COAC busca potenciar i divulgar el treball dels arquitectes arreu del territori català. També persegueix mostrar altres maneres d'exercir aquest ofici, a fi i efecte de donar visibilitat a totes les activitats que els arquitectes desenvolupen en el seu àmbit professional i social.  

L'equip de Salve Studio (@somsalvestudio), format per Jordi Quetglas i Mireia Costa, són els creadors d’aquesta mostra. Pel que fa a la producció dels panells, va tenir lloc a la fusteria Estudi Ferran Sendra (@estudiferransendra), un espai liderat per l’arquitecta Ariadna Sendra, que aposta per la innovació empresarial de la indústria. 

La itinerància de l'exposició compta amb la col·laboració de: 

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Rosa Barba Casanovas


Rosa Barba Casanovas

The city of Barcelona has decided to dedicate a corner of Collserola Park to the memory of the architect Rosa Barba Casanovas (Barcelona, 1948–2000). This change was led by the Architects’ Association of Catalonia, at the request of the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture, of which Barba was promoter and which grants, in her honour, the Rosa Barba International Landscape Award.

The chosen corner is the walkway that crosses the dike of the Vallvidrera reservoir, in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district. The factory and the mine that takes the water to Sarrià is the work of architect Elies Rogent. The project was inaugurated in 1864 and was intended to supply Sarrià with drinking water through the Grott mine. Putting Rosa Barba’s name on this structure is a way of inviting us to conquer this park and make it our own.

Institutional event

The event to institutionalise the name will be held on Sunday, 26 March, at 12 noon, with the unveiling of a commemorative plaque. Attending the event, which is open to the public, will be Guillem Costa Calsamiglia, dean of the COAC; Janet Sanz, second deputy mayor and director of the Department of Ecology, Urban Planning, Infrastructure and Mobility; Albert Batlle, councillor for the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district, and Rosa Barba’s son, Marcel Pié Barba.

Rosa Barba

She studied Architecture at the ETSAB, graduating in 1971 and obtaining her PhD in 1987. In 1971, together with the architect Ricard Pié, she founded Rosa Barba & Ricard Pié, Arquitectes, which later became Equip BCpN with the incorporation of Josep Maria Vilanova. Barba combined her professional activity with teaching at the ETSAB, where she directed the master’s degree programme in Landscape Architecture and promoted the creation of the bachelor’s degree in the same field. She was the driving force behind the Barcelona International Biennial of Landscape Architecture which, since the architect’s death, has awarded the Rosa Barba Award in her honour.

Barcelona adds 16 women’s names to places in the city
The City Council has proposed adding as many women’s names as possible to new spaces in the city, to compensate for the historical omission of women from the city map. Only 8.3% of the streets are named after women, while 35% are named after men. Thus, coinciding with International Women’s Day, this March the different districts will hold events to unveil the new names of streets, gardens, squares and block interiors.

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© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

The Architects’ Association of Catalonia is promoting the 10 Architecture Festivals 2023, an evolution of Architecture Week that will take place at different venues in Barcelona from 25 March to 10 June. Architecture Week thus goes from 10 days to 10 weeks, with an eye on the future: Barcelona World Capital of Architecture 2026. That will be the moment when we move from 10 weeks to 10 months of architecture throughout the territory. 

The Architecture Festivals, which the Barcelona branch organises year after year in different areas of the city, aim to highlight a specific space or building in each district: identifying it, pointing out the challenges lying ahead for it architecturally and giving impetus among both citizens and institutions to move things forward. Guided tours, talks, concerts and different types of workshops, among other events, are organised around these public spaces and buildings. 

For 10 weeks, Barcelona will become the epicentre of a wide range of activities related to the world of architecture, urban planning, design and the city, moving beyond disciplinary boundaries, highlighting the social role of architects and the architecture of the territory, raising awareness of the value of heritage and encouraging discovery of the environment. 

10 festivals, 10 districts, 10 World Days
This year, the emphasis is on World Days, which will serve as the common thread of the ten Architecture Festivals held in each of the city’s ten districts. The agenda includes:

- 25 March from 11 am to 2 pm. Architecture Festival: Valuing the architecture of water. World Water Day. Horta-Guinardó. 

- 1 April from 11 am to 2 pm. Architecture Festival: Renaturalising the surroundings of Can Valent. World Building Rehabilitation Day. Nou Barris. 

- 8 April from 11 am to 2 pm. Architecture Festival: Reviving the anti-tuberculosis dispensary. World Health Day. Ciutat Vella. 

- 15 April from 11 am to 2 pm. Architecture Festival: Caring for heritage. International Day for Monuments and Sites. Sant Andreu. 

- 22 April from 11 am to 2 pm. Architecture Festival: Building the inclusive city. World Creativity and Innovation Day. Les Corts. 

- 30 April from 11 am to 14 pm. Architecture Festival: Touring industrial heritage. International Dance Day. Sant Martí.

- 6 May from 6 pm to 10 pm. Architecture Festival: Respecting silence. International Noise Awareness Day. Gràcia.

- 13 May from 11 am to 2 pm. Architecture Festival: Recovering Passeig de la Zona Franca. World Day of Local Commerce. Sants-Montjuïc.

- 20 May from 11 am to 2 pm. Architecture Festival: Opening the doors. International Horticulture Day. Sarrià-Sant Gervasi.

- 10 June from 11 am to 2 pm. Architecture Festival: Discovering the Escola Industrial site. International Ceramics Day. Eixample.

Fons Fotogràfic F. Català-Roca / Arxiu Històric del COAC

Visita guiada a l'exposició "Línies Dures" amb el seu comissari, Valentín Roma

© Fons Fotogràfic F. Català-Roca / Arxiu Històric del COAC
El proper dimecres 22 de març a les 12 h, l'Agrupació d'Arquitectes Sènior del COAC organitza una visita guiada a l'exposició "Línies dures. Edificis, disseny i urbanisme a Barcelona (1949-1974)", acompayats del seu comissari, Valentín Roma.

La mostra, organitzada conjuntament pel COAC, el Centre Obert d'Arquitectura i La Virreina, reuneix 29 obres ordenades cronològicament i reconstruïdes mitjançant documents, textos i imatges que, en la seva majoria, s’ensenyen per primera vegada dins d’un context expositiu. L'exposició es podrà visitar a l'antiga seu de l'Editorial Gustavo Gili fins al 2 de juliol. 

La visita és gratuïta, però cal inscriure's a través del correu electrònic agrupacio.senior.a.coac@gmail.com.

Per a més informació sobre l'exposició, podeu visitar el web del Centre Obert d'Arquitectura.
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