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Lecture by Pereda Pérez Arquitectos

Edificio de viviendas en la calle Descalzos de Pamplona - Pereda Pérez Arquitectos

On 18 February at 7.30 pm, the studio Pereda Pérez Arquitectos will be giving a lecture at the Tarragona branch office of the Architects’ Association to speak to us about their most recent architectural work. 

Download the invitation

At the close of the lecture there will be a 'meet the speakers' dinner at the restaurant Barhaus. If you are interested in attending, please send an email to tarragona@coac.cat.  Price €18.

Carlos Pereda Iglesias and Óscar Pérez Silanes

In 2005, they founded PEREDA PÉREZ ARQUITECTOS in Pamplona and developed their practice dedicated to executing architectural projects. They are also associate lecturers in architectural projects at the University of Zaragoza. Their work has been published in numerous journals and publications. They have also taken part in a variety of exhibitions, workshops and conferences disseminating their work in a number of institutions and schools of architecture on a national and international level such as in Cadiz, Fuerteventura, Burgos, Barcelona, Seville, Madrid, Pamplona, Pontevedra, San Sebastian, Zaragoza, Ultzama, Granada, Salamanca, Oporto, Seoul, Durban and the Freiburg Forum, amongst others.

Furthermore, the studio has been recognised for its work through receiving prestigious accolades such as the Spanish Architecture Award 2013, the XII BEAU Spanish Architecture and Town Planning Biennial Award 2013, the VIII BIAU Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urban Planning Award 2012, a Special Mention at the Spanish Architecture Awards 2015, the CONSTRUMAT International Award 2013 and various prizes from the architects' associations, such as COAVN (Basque Country and Navarre), COAR (La Rioja) COACYLE and COAL (Castile and León), as well as the ENDESA Award 2012, amongst others.

PDF version

The COAC's Historical Archive on Instagram

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

Entering this social network will help disseminate the wealth of documents held in the Historical and Photographic Archive, which currently holds close to two million documented items —plans, maps, sketches, drawings, publications, photographs, correspondence, audiovisual records, etc.—a result, mainly, of donations, making it a reference centre for academics and architects from all over the world, as well as representing an asset of incalculable value.

Created in 1969, the Archive has the rewarding task of disseminating architects’ work as well as showcasing and defending Catalonia’s architectural heritage. It is recognised as one of the world’s most important repositories. It looks after and protects the professional collections of more than one hundred architects, whose work is essential for understanding our country’s architectural history. 

These records provide an opportunity to appreciate the contribution of master builders from the Renaissance up to modern day architecture, as much through projects that came to fruition as those that did not, entries for competitions and tenders, reports, reflective texts, etc. It contains information on the majority of the significant historical buildings in Catalonia, whether still in existence or not, as well as the work of many architects spread throughout the world, allowing the tracing of the useful working life of many of them through the documentation regarding their renovations.

In addition to collections donated by architects, the Association also looks after art collections such as the ADLAN’s, archives of organizations such as GATCPAC, or publications including Arquitecturas Bis and Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme, as well as photographic bequests such as that of Francesc Català-Roca.

The Archive offers a service both to architects in their daily professional lives and to researchers, being a key tool for studying the evolution of architecture in our country both from a technical as well as a historical, artistic and social perspective.

For more information, refer to the Archive’s website.

Visit our Instagram profile and become a follower!


Convening of the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona 2016

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

The Girona branch office of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia is convening the 19th edition of the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona, with the aim of evaluating the architecture carried out within the branch’s region, in order to demonstrate the quality and precision of its professionals.

Work submitted for the Awards can represent different levels of scale and varieties in the type of intervention or environment, and will be assigned to one of the following three categories: Architecture, Exterior Spaces and Temporary Spaces.

This year, the Jury judging the projects will be chaired by the architect Andrew Groarke (United Kingdom), along with members Ramon Sanabria i Boix (Barcelona), Claudi Aguiló i Aran (Barcelona) and Lídia Parada i Soler (Figueres), accompanied by a member of the current Board of the Girona branch of the COAC, acting as secretary without vote.

The awards will be:

Jury Awards: The Jury will bestow an award per category: Architecture, Exterior Spaces and Temporary Spaces.

Opinion Award: The works selected by the Jury will compete for the 'Opinion Award for Culture and Industry', where professionals in cultural and communication management, on the one hand, and those from technical research and industrial production, on the other, will choose one of the works to be given the award.

The deadline for submitting proposals is March 1, 2016.

Any queries or clarifications regarding the Awards should be directed to the Girona branch's Department of Culture. Tel. (+34) 972 412 892 / Email: cultura.gir@coac.cat

Check the Terms and Conditions

