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V46 construction vermouth - Guided tour of 22@

V46 construction vermouth - Guided tour of 22@

© Fotografies: Gregori Civera. Roland Halbe. Jose Hevia.
On Saturday, October 7, 2023, the Tarragona Demarcation of the College of Architects of Catalonia organizes, together with the architect Ferran Grau, guided visits to 22@ in Barcelona.

The departure is planned by bus from Tarragona (we will detail the place in the confirmation email). The guided tours will begin in Barcelona and we will take a tour of the different works in the program. Travel between works will be done on foot and by bus. To finish, there will be a group meal.

07:30 h »        Departure by bus from Tarragona.
09:30 h »       OFFICE BUILDING
                          BAAS arquitectura
10:45 h »        BUILDING WITH 47 HOUSES 
                          Coll Leclerq Arquitectos
12:00 h »        URBANIZATION VISIT
                          Roberto Soto
                          Peris Toral Arquitectes
14:30 h »        Lunch
                          Return by bus to Tarragona.

The price of the visit is €10 per person (VAT included), and includes round trip by bus, visits, group meal and transportation.

The registration period will end on Thursday, October 5, 2023.

To formalize the registration you must:
Make the payment of €10 to the account number
IBAN: ES57 3183 4300 7610 1248 2921.
You must indicate the member number to the concept and send the receipt to the email tarragona@coac.net. Subsequently, you will receive an email confirming your registration.

Limited places. The exit is limited to 40 registrations. Once the available places are sold out, the organization will send an email to inform you of the closing of registration. Any subsequent payment will be refunded.

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The organization reserves the right to modify the content of this program.


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Entitat organitzadora: 
Tarragona Demarcation of the College of Architects of Catalonia