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Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral Arquitectes
Inhabit and build. Peris+Toral...
Avantguarda | [M] Masterclass | Slow Studio · 'bioconstruction and bioclimatism'
With more than ten years of experience in Sustainable Architecture, Slow Studio puts the quality of life at the center of everything we do. From their research department, they share the knowledge that they believe is what makes them human.
At the end of the masterclass there will be a dinner-colloquium with the speaker at the Barhaus restaurant. You can sign up by sending an email to Dinner price €22.
The AVANTGUARDA cycle is divided into four main sections: environmentalism, experimentalism, communicationism and academicism. The format of these four sections and on different days will be that of a conference [C], a debate group [G] and a master class [M] per month.
Avantguarda | [M] Masterclass | Slow Studio · 'bioconstrucció i bioclimatisme'
Amb més de deu anys d'experiència en Arquitectura Sostenible, Slow Studio posen la qualitat de vida en el centre de tot el que fem. Des del seu departament de recerca, comparteixen el coneixement per què consideren que és el que els fa humans.
En finalitzar la masterclass es farà un sopar-col·loqui amb la ponent al restaurant Barhaus. Us hi podeu apuntar enviant un correu a Preu del sopar 22€.
El cicle AVANTGUARDA està dividit en quatre grans apartats: ecologisme, experimentalisme, comunicacionisme i academicisme. El format d’aquests quatre apartats i en dies diferents serà el d'una conferència [C], un grup de debat [G] i una master class [M] al mes.
Avantguarda | [G] Grupo de debate | Vivas Arquitectos + Josep Bunyesc + Maria Sisternas · 'desarrollo sostenible en obra pública'
Vivas Arquitectos es un estudio fundado en Barcelona el 2006, trabaja aplicando criterios que tienen en consideración en un mismo nivel tanto cuestiones formales, materiales y funcionales como económicas, medioambientales y sociales que garanticen el desarrollo sostenible de los proyectos.
Josep Bunyesc reconocido con varios premios por su trayectoria profesional con la construcción de viviendas de bajo consumo energético y sostenibles.
Maria Sisternas directora general de la INCASOL (Instituto catalán del sol) como principal agente de desarrollo urbano de Cataluña y el instrumento de la Generalitat para implementar políticas de vivienda y urbanismo.
Al finalizar el debate se hará una cena-coloquio con los ponentes en el restaurante Barhaus. Os podéis apuntar enviando un correo a Precio de la cena 22€.
El ciclo AVANTGUARDA está dividido en cuatro grandes apartados: ecologismo, experimentalismo, comunicacionismo y academicismo. El formato de estos cuatro apartados y en días diferentes será el de una conferencia [C], un grupo de debate [G] y una masterclass [M] al mes.
Avantguarda | [G] Debate group | Vivas Arquitectos + Josep Bunyesc + Maria Sisternas · 'sustainable development in public works'
Vivas Arquitectos is a studio founded in Barcelona in 2006, it works by applying criteria that take into consideration at the same level both formal, material and functional issues as well as economic, environmental and social issues that guarantee the sustainable development of projects.
Josep Bunyesc recognized with several awards for his professional career with the construction of low-energy and sustainable homes.
Maria Sisternas director general of INCASOL (Catalan Institute of the Sun) as the main agent of urban development in Catalonia and the instrument of the Generalitat to implement housing and urban planning policies.
At the end of the debate there will be a dinner-colloquium with the speakers at the Barhaus restaurant. You can sign up by sending an email to Dinner price €22.
The AVANTGUARDA cycle is divided into four main sections: environmentalism, experimentalism, communicationism and academicism. The format of these four sections and on different days will be that of a conference [C], a debate group [G] and a master class [M] per month.