In the city - proposal for burial ground in Israel. The project is sited in the city of Carmiel.
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
Marina Parhomovsky
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"The Gospel Trail"
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
Atalia Gilad, Noa Barot, Marina Parhomovsky
6a Edició
‘Colonists of Almere Oosterwold’
University of Applied Sciences Velp - Van Hall Larenstein, Garden & Landscape Architecture
Melanie Koning
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The Citadel, the centre of ‘the Waalsprong’
University of Applied Sciences Velp - Van Hall Larenstein, Garden & Landscape Architecture
Mark Dillen
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Islands, industrial area Beekbergsebroek
University of Applied Sciences Velp - Van Hall Larenstein, Garden & Landscape Architecture
León Weeterings
6a Edició
Thinking the unthinkable, Almere does the unthinkable
University of Applied Sciences Velp - Van Hall Larenstein, Garden & Landscape Architecture
John Teunissen
6a Edició
Inside Outside Dike
University of Applied Sciences Velp - Van Hall Larenstein, Garden & Landscape Architecture
Gert-Jan Wisse
6a Edició
Restructuration de l'avenue de la République et de la voie rapide z4
Université de Carthage, ENAU - Ecole Nationale d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme
Mohamed Harmel
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