Tracings of an Abandoned Landscape: Activation of Stomio Bay, Chania
Technical University of Crete, School of architecture
Maria Papageorgiou, Marina Skoutela
11a Edició
Redefining the industrial value: regeneration of the old LATO quarru in Turkovounia hill, Athens
Technical University of Crete, School of architecture
Sofia Kallimasitoi, Aikaterini Popoufsa
11a Edició
Trees First - The Public Spaces of the Forest-City
Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam - AHK
Jean-François Gauthier
11a Edició
Nature is Under your Feet
Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam - AHK
Charlotte van der Woude
11a Edició
Landscape as House - In Search of a New Form of Topographic Living in the Alps
Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam - AHK
Anna Maria Fink
11a Edició
The Parametric Process: A Strategic Analysis on Digital Design Technology in Landscape Architecture
University of Guelph
Christine Pedersen
11a Edició
Aeolis - Gap the Border
Delft University of Technology/ TUDelft, Q4 Elective - Landscape Architecture On site
Niels van Hesselt, Jui Deuskar, Thomas Zaw, Isabella Banfi, Elissavet Markozani, Anna Saracco, Shuai Shao, Chang Guo, Marleen de Groot, Sophie Vrisekoop, Jorren Vertheesen, Evi Goedemans, Pruvika Awatashi, Anne de Jong
11a Edició