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Exhibition _Export BARCELONA

© Cities Connection Project
The exhibition _Export BARCELONA will open in Geneva (Switzerland) next February. The show will include 20 social housing projects designed by Catalan architects.

_Export BARCELONA is framed within the second edition of the Cities Connection Project which, fleeing from mediatic architecture, aims to showcase functional architecture which is committed to social reality.

This exhibition follows the thread of the _Import GENEVA show, which was seen at Arts Santa Monica (Barcelona) last November, and included 20 collective housing projects carried out by Genevan architects in the last decade.

The Cities Connection Project (CCP), with the support of the Architects' Association of Catalonia, was created in 2013 by architects Nicola Regusci and Xavier Bustos with the aim of establishing a network of cultural connections between Barcelona and the guest cities. "The goal is that architects explore new perspectives with which to observe our cities, that they establish professional networks and they share their vision of urban development," says Nicola Regusci.


COAC collaborates with 'La rosa di fuoco' exhibition in Ferrara

© Palazzo dei Diamanti
The COAC's Historical Archive collaborates with the upcoming exhibition 'La rosa di fuoco. La Barcellona di Picasso e Gaudi', which will open in Ferrara's Palazzo dei Diamanti (Italy) on April the 19th.

The exhibition features nearly 130 works, including paintings by Catalan artists Ramon Casas, Santiago Rusiñol, Joaquim Mir and Isidre Nonell, as well as sculptures, drawings, photographs, decorative artworks and jewels.

The Rose of Fire, or rather La Rosa de Foc in Catalan, was the code name used by twentieth-century anarchists to refer to Barcelona. This name evokes the political, social and cultural turmoil that ignited Barcelona at the turn of the century.

Our Historical Archive has lent out a few items for this exhibition. The transferred pieces include a lithograph, which is a copy of Barcelona's original plan by Cerda, and eleven photographs which were part of the 1927 exhibition tribute to Gaudi, held in Barcelona one year after his death. Most of the photographs are copies that were commissioned to Adolf Mas for the 1910 exhibition held in Paris. The other ones were new commissions.

Maria Luisa Pacelli, director of Palazzo dei Diamanti, explains that bringing architecture into an exhibition room was the biggest challenge the exhibition involved. "We did not want to repeat the installation of previous exhibitions on Catalan Modernism seen in Italy, which showed objects by Gaudi and Domenech i Montaner. So we decided to focus on Gaudi only, through period photographs by Adolf Mas, kept in the COAC's historical archive".


Exposición "Metròpolis Barcelona"

© Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB)
El próximo 29 de enero se inaugura la exposición "Metròpolis Barcelona. Una metròpolis feta de ciutats", que se podrá visitar hasta el 26 de abril en el Museu del Disseny de Barcelona.

La exposición, organizada por el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona y comisariada por Joan Busquets, pretende comprender la situación actual de la Barcelona metropolitana, tratando de entender cómo se ha formado y transformado en los últimos 40 años, durante el despliegue del Plan General Metropolitano (PGM) de 1976.

La muestra trata temas como el espacio natural, la evolución de la demografía y las formas de vivir, las estructuras de la movilidad y las nuevas dinámicas, aspectos que nos ayudan a comprender este sistema metropolitano hecho de ciudades. La muestra también explica la relación de Barcelona con el sistema europeo y cómo evolucionan urbanísticamente otras metrópolis semejantes. Finalmente, tiene el objetivo de reflexionar sobre los retos que el nuevo PDU metropolitano debe asumir con el fin de añadir valor a la regulación urbanística vigente.

La entrada a la exposición es gratuita.
Entitat organitzadora: 
Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona

La Biblioteca enriquece su fondo con donaciones de libros por parte de sus autores

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)

La Biblioteca del Colegio de Arquitectos cuenta con más de 170.000 volúmenes de arquitectura, siendo actualmente la segunda de Europa en número de volúmenes y un referente ineludible en el campo de la arquitectura.

La riqueza documental que custodia la Biblioteca se amplia año tras año con nuevas adquisiciones así como donaciones de publicaciones de interés pera los arquitectos.

En este sentido, la Biblioteca quiere destacar la donación de 39 libros de arquitectura per parte de los propios autores y autoras, que han cedido su publicación. Estas obras pasan a formar parte del fondo de la Biblioteca, de manera que pueden beneficiarse todos los arquitectos y usuarios del servicio.

Consultad aquí las donaciones del 2014.

