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Electoral debate to Tarragona 2023

Municipal elections 2023: Debate with the candidacies of Tarragona

© Demarcation of Tarragona of the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC)
In the framework of the next municipal elections, The Demarcation of Tarragona of the College of Architects of Catalonia together with the Merchandise for the Interior Platform organize a round table with the candidates for the Mayor's Office of Tarragona, on May 12, at 7:00 p.m., in the auditorium of headquarters. A conversation with the candidates of the different political formations to talk about the future of the city of Tarragona, merchandise and the POUM.

So far, there is confirmation of:
- Pau Ricomà, ERC
- Rubén Viñuales, PSC
- Jordi Sendra, Junts
- Mar Giné, Sí Tarragona
- M. Mercè Martorell, PP
- Jordi Collado, En Comú Podem
- Eva Miguel, CUP
The event will be moderated by the journalist Ricard Lahoz.

Presentation and initial greeting by the President of the Tarragona Demarcation of the COAC, Jordi Romera. We will also be joined by Eugeni Sedano and Pedro Garcia.
This debate adds to the cycle of debates that will be promoted in the different demarcations. Check the calendar


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Debate electoral a Tarragona 2023

Elecciones municipales 2023: Debate con las candidaturas de Tarragona

© Demarcación de Tarragona del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña (COAC)
En el marco de las próximas elecciones municipales, la Demarcación de Tarragona del Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña junto con la Plataforma Mercancías por el Interior organizan una mesa redonda con los candidatos a la Alcaldía de Tarragona, el próximo 12 de mayo, a las 19:00 h, en la sala de actos de la Sede. Una conversación con los candidatos de las diferentes formaciones políticas por habla sobre el futuro de la ciudad de Tarragona, las mercancías y el POUM.

Hasta el momento, se cuenta con la confirmación de:
- Pau Ricomà, ERC
- Rubén Viñuales, PSC
- Jordi Sendra, Junts
- Mar Giné, Sí Tarragona
- M. Mercè Martorell, PP
- Jordi Collado, En Comú Podem
- Eva Miguel, CUP
El acto lo moderará el periodista Ricard Lahoz.

Presentación y saludo inicial a cargo del Presidente de la Demarcación de Tarragona del COAC, Jordi Romera. También nos acompañará Eugeni Sedano y Pedro Garcia.
Este debate se suma al ciclo de debates que se impulsarán en las diferentes demarcaciones. Consulta el calendario


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Debat electoral a Tarragona 2023

Eleccions municipals 2023: Debat amb les candidatures de Tarragona

© Demarcació de Tarragona del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
En el marc de les properes eleccions municipals, la Demarcació de Tarragona del Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya juntament amb la Plataforma Mercaderies per l'Interior organitzen una taula rodona amb els candidats a l'Alcaldia de Tarragona, el pròxim 12 de maig, a les 19:00 h, a la sala d'actes de la Seu. Una conversa amb els candidats de les diferents formacions polítiques per parlar sobre el futur de la ciutat de Tarragona, les mercaderies i el POUM.

Fins al moment, es compta amb la confirmació de:
- Pau Ricomà, ERC
- Rubén Viñuales, PSC
- Jordi Sendra, Junts
- Mar Giné, Sí Tarragona
- M. Mercè Martorell, PP
- Jordi Collado, En Comú Podem
- Eva Miguel, CUP
L’acte el moderarà el periodista Ricard Lahoz.

Presentació i salutació inicial a càrrec del President de la Demarcació de Tarragona del COAC, Jordi Romera. També ens acompanyarà Eugeni Sedano i Pedro Garcia.
Aquest debat se suma al cicle de debats que s'impulsaran en les diferents demarcacions. Consulta el calendari


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Celler Es Sindicat [1921-1993] (Felanitx, Balearic Islands) 2021

Empty Architectures

Celler Es Sindicat [1921-1993] (Felanitx, Balearic Islands) 2021 © Lluís Bort

Photographic work on some abandoned buildings and constructions throughout the territory of the island of Mallorca, made by the architect and architectural photographer Lluís Bort. These constructions, on many occasions, were erected to fulfill a very specific function and over the years they became obsolete and forgotten. However, this does not mean that they are no longer useful, but that they should have the opportunity to be rehabilitated to enjoy a second life, providing them with a new use for their neighbors and their environment.

Returning to the photographic work, it collects different types of construction, from a hospital that they abandoned when they built a new one on the outskirts of the city; a Majorcan textile factory that was one of the economic engines of the island during the Civil War when Franco's troops bombed the industrial center of Barcelona; to the largest wine cellar on the island that closed in the 90s after 4 extensions.

In the project, each building is presented as an architectural gem against an intense blue and gradient sky that allows the beauty of each of them to be reflected. It seeks to highlight these constructions which were very important for the history of Mallorca, and which are often located in privileged locations, where they would have many guarantees of success if they were converted into new facilities for the cities.

This photographic project began in 2019 and it should be noted that since then adaptation work has begun on some of the buildings photographed, which we hope will allow the building to be recovered and enrich the city with new cultural offerings. With all this, this work wants to show the opportunity to rehabilitate these strategic and abandoned architectures in the Mallorcan territory for new uses such as museums, exhibition halls or neighborhood houses, among others.

Lluís Bort is an architect and architectural photographer and his life has always been linked to the world of photography. He started as part of the photography group L'art de la llum de Onda (Castelló). In it he held his first photographic contests, exhibitions and won several prizes over the years. Currently, he is also involved in teaching courses in Architecture and Landscape Photography at the College of Architects of the Balearic Islands.


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