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9th Barcelona International Biennial of Landscape Architecture

© Biennal Internacional de Paisatge
From September 29th to October 1st, the Barcelona International Biennial of Landscape Architecture will be held at Palau de la Música Catalana. The Biennial will also be broadcast live at the COAC Auditorium.

Tomorrow Landscapes
This year, with the title 'Tomorrow Landscapes', the Biennial aspires to be a catalyst for questions and a promoter of dreams and changes in the field of landscape architecture, in a situation in which regional and cultural disciplines are fluctuating between ruination and a state of emergency.

It is because of this quest to find new avenues for action, to explore possibly inhospitable environments, to rethink former certainties or to underline certain essential sensibilities, that this edition of the event has been convened: to make itself felt in discussions on what landscape should be within an international context and with a view to a credible future. Consequently, the Biennial has reviewed the scope, formats, formulas, concepts and objectives of the discipline while taking a critical viewpoint of itself as both an active platform and a watchtower of movements in international landscaping.

From 29 September to 1 October, Barcelona will be putting the spotlight on landscaping with a symposium that reflects the current situation. The three-day event includes conferences, round tables and presentations of the finalists for the Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize.

An ephemeral landscape to open the Biennial
On September 28th, a carpet of little plants will cover part of Plaça Nova in Barcelona, opposite the Architects’ Association, to usher in the 9th International Biennial of Landscape. This set-up, developed for the Biennial with the collaboration of Barcelona City Council, seeks to interact with the general public who are welcome to take the plants and leave them at other points in the city to help design the landscapes they imagine or would like to see.

The jury of the Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize, with the support of the Banc Sabadell Foundation, has selected 10 landscaping projects from around the world completed between 2011 and 2016. These finalists will present their projects during the Biennial, on 29th September. The award will be given on 1st October.

Click here to view the full programme 


9º Simposio de la Bienal Internacional de Paisaje

© Bienal Internacional de Paisaje

Después del impulso de la edición anterior, la 9ª Bienal de Paisaje de Barcelona confirma una dimensión internacional tanto en la convocatoria del Premio Rosa Barba como en el alcance de los objetivos de investigación y debate del Simposio.

Es ante la inquietud de encontrar nuevas vías de acción, de explorar campos quizás inhóspitos, de repensar antiguas certezas, o de asegurar ciertas sensibilidades necesarias, que se convoca la presente edición del certamen, para estar presentes en la discusión de lo que ha de ser el Paisaje ahora dentro de un contexto internacional, para prever un futuro plausible y, por qué no, emocionante. 

En consecuencia, la Bienal ha revisado ámbito y formatos, fórmulas, conceptos y objetivos de la disciplina, mientras se contempla a si misma críticamente como plataforma viva del Paisajismo y atalaya de los movimientos en el Paisajismo internacional.

En el marco de la Bienal, se ha convocado el Premio Internacional de Paisaje Rosa Barba, patrocinado por la Fundación Banc Sabadell. El Premio se entregará durante la celebración del Simposio y el ganador y los finalistas presentarán sus proyectos el día 29 de septiembre. 

Para ver el programa del Simposio, clica aquí.


Proyectos seleccionados

