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The COAC starts rolling out Architecture lessons in schools

© Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
The Architects’ Association has started pilot tests to spread the teaching of architecture in schools through the programme entitled ‘Magnet: alliances for educational success’. 

The aim of the Magnet programme—promoted by the Jaume Bofill Foundation together with the Catalan Ministry of Education, Barcelona Provincial Council, the Institute of Education Sciences and the Education Consortium—is to support schools in the development of an innovative, quality-based project designed to become a flagship in the region for both families and the educational community.

This is achieved by partnering with a leading institution in a specific field of knowledge that will advise the school during the three-year period for which the project runs.

Leading institution for architecture
The COAC forms part of the Magnet programme by putting into practice its educational programme known as Arqui-escola

The COAC works directly with the schools involved to develop an educational project related to architecture, proposing different dynamics and workshops such as rethinking the use of spaces in the centre, undertaking an urban planning analysis of the surroundings, preparing a sustainability audit, etc.

To date, the COAC has started collaborating with the Camps Elisis Primary School (Lleida), the Marià Fortuny Primary School (Reus) and the Pere Barnils Secondary School (Centelles).
