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  • Exhibition: "50 Years of the Historical Archive"

    On 7 October, on the same date as World Architecture Day and as part of the celebrations for the fiftieth anniversary of our Historical Archive, the COAC is inaugurating the exhibition entitled “50 anys de l'Arxiu Històric" (50 Years of the Historical Archive), which will occupy the Mezzanine and the Espai Picasso until 6 January 2020.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Since: Mon, 07 October - Until: Mon, 06 January

  •  Gilles Clément

    Pre-Biennial Event: Lecture by Gilles Clément

    From the International Landscape Biennial of Barcelona, we would like to invite you to the talk that Gilles Clément, eminent French landscape artist, will give on the occasion of the presentation of his latest book. This is the first event that we organize ahead of the 11th Barcelona Landscape Biennial, which will take place in September 2020.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Day: Thu, 03 October 7 pm

  • Exhibition: 'Letters to the Mayor'

    On 28 March, the exhibition 'Letters to the Mayor' opens at the Association’s headquarters in Plaça Nova, representing a kaleidoscope of Barcelona in the form of 70 letters from architects and professionals in other disciplines associated with the creation of value for the city.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Since: Thu, 28 March - Until: Sun, 05 May

  • Unveiled Affinities: Quaderns in Europe

    The exhibition ‘Unveiled Affinities: Quaderns in Europe’ opens February 15th at COAC. Its concept and curation is by the architects Pau Bajet, Pablo Garrido and Maria Giramé.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Since: Fri, 15 February - Until: Sun, 24 March

  • Novament per Nadal, els tallers de construcció a gran escala al COAC

    Large-scale construction workshops at the COAC, once again this Christmas

    This December the large-scale construction workshops are back at the COAC with the KAPLA game, which consists of identically-sized rectangular wooden building blocks with which you can create some amazing things.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Day: Fri, 28 December from 11 am to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 6 pm


    On November 5th, coinciding with Light Code installation that can be seen in Plaça Nova, the 3XPERIENCE conference held by Constantin Goagea and Justin Baroncea -representing Zeppelin-, will take place.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Day: Mon, 05 November a les 19 h

  • Exhibition '20 architects of the 20th century'

    Casa Lluvià hosts the exhibition '20 architects of the twentieth century', constructivist portraits by Maria Picassó, from October 10th to November 3rd.Maria Picassó is an architect and professional illustrator based in Barcelona, with wide range of projects for video games, books and worldwide press.With a unique and recognized vector style, she is a versatile, enthusiastic and experienced artist who enjoys all the lines, shapes and colours.

    Regional branch: Comarques Centrals - Seu de Manresa
    Since: Wed, 10 October - Until: Sat, 03 November

  • Tapes llibre L'Exposició Universal de 1888

    Exhibition: 'COAC.16 Collections / The Universal Exposition of 1888'

    From 19 July you can visit the seventh exhibition in the 'Collections' series of COAC’s Historical Archive, which commemorates 130 years since this key event in Barcelona's history and features a large selection of documents.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Since: Thu, 19 July - Until: Mon, 03 September

  • 20 years of Vertical Workshop

    The '20 years of Vertical Workshop' exhibition will be opening in the Altell on June 13. Since it was founded in 1997, the Vertical Workshop has been for UIC Barcelona School of Architecture ​​one of its spirit most important and identifying event.

    Regional branch: Barcelona
    Since: Wed, 13 June - Until: Sat, 14 July
