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Propers Actes

  • Exhibition by Lo Siento in Girona

    The team of graphic designers Lo Siento, comprising Borja Martínez and Gerard Miró, is taking part in the series of exhibitions 'La Cova. About Technique', with the show 'Disseny a foc lent' (Design on a simmering heat), in which they consider their own particular vision of technique. The show can be visited at the Girona branch office from 4 December 2015 to 14 February 2016.

    Regional branch: Girona
    Since: Fri, 04 December - Until: Sun, 28 February

  • Poblet

    Exhibition: 'Images of Poblet'

    In 1991, a photographers' association in Reus published a collection of 10 photographs of Mr Manuel Cuadrada i Gisbert (1896-1957) as a tribute to this pioneer of the art of photography, who opened up possibilities at a time when practising the art of light was, quite simply, an adventure.

    Regional branch: Tarragona
    Since: Fri, 16 October - Until: Fri, 04 March

  • Lecture by Jenny B. Osuldsen, founder of Snøhetta

    Jenny B. Osuldsen, landscaper and founder of Snøhetta, will be delivering a lecture at the COAC on September 29th at 6.30 pm.

    Regional branch: COAC
    Day: Tue, 29 September 18.30 h
